How to Survive from Taking Red Eye Flight

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It is common for travelers to take red eye flight because it offers many benefits. You will be able to save your money from transportation and accommodation since your airplane can do both when you take red eye flight. Besides, you can also immediately begin your travel itinerary when you arrive at your destination since you have time to rest beforehand. Another benefit is that you will be dealing with less hassle and long check-in. In general, you can travel more smoothly by taking late night flight. However, it doesn’t mean red eye flight doesn’t have disadvantages. There are also some inconveniences caused by taking red eye flight you may suffer.

Surviving red eye flight smoothly

Red eye flight gives both advantages and disadvantages. It is not for any travelers after all. However, remember that it is optional so that you don’t always have to take it whenever you are going to travel with limited budget or time. There are also discomforts resulted from taking red eye flight such as weariness, lack of sleep, etc. However, you can still survive from any discomfort by following these tips:

  • It is recommended to book the flight closer to your sleeping time so that you will be ready to fall asleep when you arrive at your seat. The closer your flight to your bedtime, the easier for you to take a rest. You can also follow up your pre-sleep routine just like when you are at home. Is you are used to washing our face, reading a book, brushing your teeth or applying face mask, you can do them all when you arrive at your seat to help you sleep easier.
  • Make sure to wear comfortable clothes if you take red eye flight. You can change into your favorite pajamas to make you feel more comfortable and ready for bed. You can also wear warm clothes such as sweater and add some layers such as scarf socks, etc. You need to get the most out your flight amenities such as neck pillow, blanket, etc. It is also recommended to shut down cabin noise as well as any kind of disruption.
  • It is highly advised to not drink caffeine or alcohol before taking your flight. They can cause dehydration to your system which can make you more difficult to sleep. As the result, you will feel restless throughout your flight. Mae sure to stay hydrated by drinking enough water. You also need to have a good meal consisting of healthy foods. Avoid spicy foods and anything that can cause excessive gas producing.
  • It is recommended to set alarm to help you rouse and get plenty of time to prepare before your arrival. You can take your time changing into your previous clothes instead of pajamas, brushing teeth, and fixing other things. Thus, you will be more refreshed and ready to face the day. If you wake up too close to the time before arrival, you will feel disoriented. Make sure to give enough time to prepare properly.