How to Stay Positively Energized While Travelling

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Stay positively energized while travelling

When you go from one place to another in short period of time, your body must be suffered from exhaustion or fatigue. However, it is not only that. Sometimes, your mind is also deflated due to lower level of energy. Stay positively energized while travelling doesn’t only involve your physical but also your mental. Your fatigue can ruin your mood while visiting the most impressive attraction. This cannot happen because you don’t want your vacation to be something like mood roller coaster. It is important that you feel energized to enjoy the rest of the travel both physically and mentally.

Tips to stay positively energized while travelling scientifically

If you are not used to being alert every time and tend to get tired easily for light activities, travelling will be a challenge. You need your body to be ready with new environment. Your mind should be positively open for all differences from what you have seen in your bubble life. Those things can trigger your mood and result in restless body. However, you can minimize them by following these tips:

  1. When you get stress or feel restless all day during your travel, don’t think too much and take a breath. You can try breathing exercise to stimulate the oxygen in your body in more regular way. This type of exercise has calming effect. Your blood flow will be more regulated and your alertness will keep you energized.
  2. Pack healthy snacks in your bag so whenever your mood is sour or you feel fatigue, you can eat them to lift up your energy. Choose your favorite snacks but stay in the healthy ones. Great options for healthy snacks are nuts, fruits, lean protein, trail mix, etc. Go grab them from convenient store near your house to stay positively energized while travelling.
  3. Stay hydrated during your travel to keep the oxygen in your blood regulating properly. It also helps your heart to work easier because of the stress from the travel. It is recommended to carry mineral water instead of coffee because caffeine can make you feel more restless and dehydrated. Caffeine will also make you feel jittery.
  4. Socialize with your fellow traveler will help to distract your anxiety or stress during travel. You don’t have to try to be funny or serious. Just carry on small talk and light conversation such as about your destination or what you expect from it. This will help relax your mind.
  5. Try to move occasionally when you’re in your seat. The inability to move results in fatigue and mood swings. Thus, try to move your body at least once in every twenty minutes. You can do small movements such as rolling your shoulders, lifting your heels, rolling your neck, or circling your ankles.
  6. Try to entertain yourself with something you like such as watching animal videos, listening to music, reading your favorite comics or books, and many more. If you can’t even get entertained by those, try to sleep to recharge your energy so you can stay positively energized while travelling.