How to Solve Travel Beauty Problems

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Travelling is fun and exciting. However, there are travel beauty problems which are not exciting at all. When you travel especially to the place where the destination is quite far, your body needs to adjust to the new environment. This can lead your body to have some problems. They are usually not serious problems but can ruin your travel mood. Common beauty problems during travelling are dry skin, breakout, greasy hair, puffy cheeks, eye bags, and many more. Those sound not so bad but in fact they are annoying enough to ruin your mood during travel. Therefore, you must find out the right solution for those problems so you can travel smoothly. No matter how, your body is precious and so is your beauty.

Here is common beauty problems that you need to solve:

  • The most common beauty problem during travel is dry skin. There are many causes why your skin becomes drier during your travel such as bad air circulation during your flight, sun exposure, dehydration, etc. Dry skin makes you feel uncomfortable. To solve this problem, you need to apply moisturizer gel or cream more often especially when you are in a room with air conditioning or outdoor where sun exposure is unavoidable.
  • Next common beauty problem during travel is breakouts. Travel-induced acne is common but still annoying. Lots of people complain about having acnes during their precious vacation which ruin their mood while travelling. There are many things causing your skin to breakout such as dry skin, excessive skin oil production, greasy foods, etc. To solve this problem, make sure your diet is on control by eating nutritious foods. Make sure to use the right skin products, as well as get enough sleep. It is only recommended to use serum to get rid of acne.
  • Puffy eye or face is also one of the most common travel beauty problems. The causes are varied such as lack or too much sleep, sleeping with make-up, or eating too much before sleep. To solve this problem, you can eye mask. Or you can also use tea bag to compress your puffy eye. If your puffy eye is too noticeable, use concealer to reduce the puffy look.
  • Greasy hair or messy locks are common during travel. However, hair is precious thing from your body that needs to be in 100% condition. It is easier for hair to get greasy during your vacation especially when you spend your time outdoors. Your locks also tend to be messy when you step out of the plane. To arrange your hair, you can use hair mist which can be used anytime and anywhere. To avoid greasy hair, don’t cover your hair too long with caps or hat.
  • Sunburn is also one of the most common travel beauty problems. If you are easy to get sunburn, make sure to reapply sunscreen every two hour. If you already go sunburn, apply aloe vera based-gel or cucumber based-gel. This can reduce the inflammation to your sunburn.